mesoxeric-xeric grassland element
frequently acting like a ruderal in all regions with the
exception of the steppes, boreal and subalpine-alpine areas;
usually locally replaced in the calcareous mountains from the
nemoral belt by the closely related species with much narrower
ranges (Centaurea triniifolia, Centaurea reichebachii,
Centaurea calvescens) which happen to be there, otherwise
populating without problems also these areas.
Eastern Central European - west Balkan
- north Pontic
Festucetalia valesiacae
(except for the steppe areas), not rare in
Artemisietea vulgaris
almost all R34 habitats, except for the
steppe areas, not rare in R87s also with the exception of
the steppe
| |
After Centaurea apiculata ssp.
spinulosa this species is the most common
Centaurea in whole Romania
being frequent also as a ruderal. It is also the most common species
in subgenus Acroplophus in the country. Probably
a mesoxeric grassland species at its origins it is however very
favoured and expands its range due to antropisation especially in
Transylvania and Moldavia.
A common synonym for this species
is Centaurea micranthos Gmel. The
typical subspecies has a large range from Central Europe up to
north Pontic regions and western Asia. In the northern Balkans there
are four narrow endemic subspecies.
Pictures taken from the
western area of Cluj-Napoca city on Faget forest area in mesoxeric
grasslands dominated by Brachypodium pinnatum located on
Eocene limestones, in August 2005.
dr. Alexandru Badarau, alexandru@transsilvanica.com

Pictures taken on august 2005 near
Calimanesti, Valcea county in a ruderal phytocenosis.
dr. Alexandru Badarau, alexandru@transsilvanica.com

Pictures taken between Podeni and Pietroasa,
Cluj county, August 2009
