Europaea, classified as Lychnis nivalis
narrow endemic of Rodna Mountains,
Oriental Carpathians
perennial, saxiphile, acidophile,
subalpine-alpine species
Caricetalia curvulae,
The narrow endemic species emblematic for
Rodna Mountains, as Silene
dinarica Vis. is the narrow endemic emblem of Fagaras
The species has a controversial taxonomical
position being sometimes classified within its own monotypic genus
due to the multiple flower elements Polyschemone nivalis
Scott, Nym. et Kotschy. Most of times it is included in
Lychnis as Lychnis nivalis Kitaibel ex Schultes
but as Ciocarlan (2009) clearly underlines the species has at least
two characters that brings it out of this genus (5-locular ovary and
capsule, the last one with 10 teeth at the opening) while pleding
for its inclusion within Silene.
this PhD thesis from Sweden through molecular research our
narrow endemic species resulted to be closely related to Silene
fruticosa L. from Crete, Pelopones and Sicily. However
at the first sight, this seems highly improbable from a
morphological point of view.
Rodna Mountains, Maramures /
Bistrita-Nasaud counties, in the subalpine belt.
Bogdan Negrea, PhD
student, bogdannm@yahoo.com
