perennial, G, 2n=14 or 18, diploid
(reports from other different subspecies and varieties)
xeric to xeromesophyle in various types
of grasslands
Festucion rupicolae but also
especially within R3414, R3415, R3501
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A species with a wide range in western Palearctis with a lot of
local and regional isolated endemic subspecies. Hard to distinguish
it from Ornithogalum umbellatum L. and Ornithogalum
divergens Boreau which both
have bulbiles around the main bulb. This subspecies is the one with the largest range.
North of Cojocna, Cluj county, on
the steep sunny cuestal front of Beleni Hill, 20th of April 2012.
dr. Alexandru Badarau,
The photographs below are to
provide a comparison with the leaf section of this common subspecies
with the narrow endemjc Ornithogalum
orthophyllum ssp. acuminatum.
Cheile Valisoarei natural
reservation area, Trascau Mountains, Alba county, 23rd of May
dr. Alexandru Badarau,