A species
that got lost for the flora of Transylvania, probably even for the
flora of Romania for some time but which only now is fully and
fooly considered for protection
Us humans are so ridiculous some times. A
species for which nothing has been done for more than 30 years and
which seems to be dissapeared with its entire ecosystem... and the
local authorities now struggle to protect it and the entire area
formerly occupied by its habitat.
The story begins with this article published
in 1978 by the great naturalist of Sibiu, Erika Schneider-Binder (who
later emigrated to Germany). Here on a tiny map she pinpointed the
last four populations of Plantago maxima which remained in the area. The study is extremely well
documented in the well known Germanic style of the author,
comprising also a lot of releves
from the place and a deep comparison of the Sibiu habitats of
the species with the habitats from its main range (central Eurasian forest-steppes and
steppes) by using the available Russian literature.
Unfortunately more than thirty
years passed without any strong intention to protect this
exceptional species there, in probably its unique locality from
Romania. We visited and thoroughly searched the area and
especially the places indicated on the map by Schneider-Binder with
the sad conclusion that the species is gone and with it
also its habitat - the mesohygrophile meadow-steppe grasslands
developed on gleyic chernozems. Actually
from these a few patches remained east from DJ 106B (the road
between Sura mica and DN1 highway) and much more surfaces west from it
on both banks of the Ruscioru rivulet.
What is ridiculous is that on a PUG (this
stands for 'general urbanistic plan') project adopted on 15th of
July 2009 (see this article) the species is considered
now, after its extinction, for full protection along with its
habitats north from Ruscioru rivulet and east from DJ
106B. In that area the higrophyle meadow-steppe habitats and
the species Plantago maxima are
virtually completely gone. However a lot of businessmen seem to be
worried that 'the
Giant Plantain hinders the development of Sibiu city'
as sounds the title of
that article published in a local newspaper.
Sincerely we would like to be wrong with the above assertion that
species is lost near Sibiu, but this is the fact found by us in the
field. We would be very happy to be proved wrong in the future but
chances are slim. Also we would ask the naturalists going there for
investigations to be very cautious not to mistake Plantago
maxima a totally 'anti-cultural relic' for the ruderal
weed and 'friend-of-humans' Plantago major which in
the humid conditions of some grassy patches there provides huge
individuals that resemble somehow the 'Giant' Plantain Plantago
A note about the presence of this species in
south-western Romania around the village of Cotofenii din Fata (Dolj
county) is included in Ciocarlan (Flora of Romania, 2000). However
we don't know the source of this citation, unfortunately. In august
2006, unfortunately under the pressure of time we visited the
village and we found a lot of watery fields full of Plantago
major and nothing else. However we had no time at all for a
thorough investigation.
Because the floodplain grassland habitats
are the first to be under the pressure of human everywhere in the
world and in Transylvania as well the chances that this species will
be found elsewhere in the region are slim but who knows - we still
hope. Here
you can see the emplacement of the former last five populations of
Plantago maxima
which still existed in 1978 according to
Plantago maxima photographed in its
unique locality from central Hungary - from Farkas, S (1999) -
The protected plants of Hungary (in Hungarian), Mezogazda
Kiado, Budapest. In the image to the right, from the same book you
can see (in Hungarian) the situation of the plant in this country
and the punishment for its illegal collection. Please remark from
comparing the photos above and below that the huge leaves of
Plantago maxima always stand upwards, has longer petioles than the
lamina of the leaf (in most cases) and are not abruptly contracted into
the petioles at the base of the lamina; the spike is
clearly thicker and shorter in comparison with the one of ruderal
Plantago major.

A large individual of Plantago
major , a common ruderal species relatively related to
Plantago maxima. The photograph was taken right on the former emplacements of
one of the former populations of Plantago maxima
from near Sibiu. We assume that these huge individuals of
Plantago major can allure some naturalists to erroneously
consider them Plantago maxima. Stay away from such

The rare species (which seemingly are quite
related) Plantago maxima (1) and Plantago cornuti
(2) an image from Pauca, A., Nyarady, E.J. (1961) -
Plantaginaceae in Savulescu,T. (edit.) - Flora
Reipublicae Popularis Romanicae vol. VIII, Ed. Academiei RPR,
The common species Plantago major
(3, left and middle) and Plantago media (1,
right) an image from Pauca, A., Nyarady, E.J. (1961) -
Plantaginaceae in Savulescu,T. (edit.) - Flora
Reipublicae Popularis Romanicae vol. VIII, Ed. Academiei RPR,
Bucuresti. Sometimes Plantago media can provide in much
humid conditions quite large individuals which can resemble
Plantago maxima especially when the naturalist is eager to
recover the species:) However, the plant has always very short
petioles and the lamina of the leafs is always short hairy.

The Eurasian range of Plantago maxima
- from Schneider-Binder, E. (1978) - Zur Okologie und Zonologie
des Riesenwegerichs (Plantago maxima Juss. ) - Muzeul
Bruckenthal, Studii si Comunicari seria Stiintele Naturii 22: 137-172. After downloading
the article please add the extension .pdf to the name of the